Become a Blogger!

Becoming a blogger will enable you to build upon your socal media skills, communication, confidence, creative writing and being a voice for your community.

No experience is required!
We will show you everything you need to know during some workshops FREE workshops!

By writing for our blog you will gain experience in creative writing, marketing, social networking as well as gain the confidence to become a representative for people in your community. It will add skills which you can then use on your CV.
You can write from your own bedroom, or even on the bus. You can even become a video blogger to test out your media skills. We want YOU to get involved with our blog, and so if you are interested in becoming a blogger and adding these skills to your CV, then please feel free to get in touch!

Email us at with your name, a contact number and a small paragraph telling us a bit more about you and we will get in touch!

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